Friday 16 April 2021

Womens Native Tree Nursery Visit

 Today we visited the Womens Native Tree Nursery. We had to get cuttings and seeds.We had to walk all the way there which was right by river dale school it was long. We learnt how to plant seeds and cuttings. A fact I learnt is that flax looks like grass when it is growing. It was really cool. I enjoyed making a mess with  the soil and also cleaning it up. I found it challenging to plant the tiny little babies. I hope you enjoy my post.



My culture presentation.

 Today I was  were learning about my culture and we will be presenting them tomorrow I am really excited.I enjoyed finding facts about my culture because I get to really know canada.I found it challenging to find what I was going to say for my introduction.My digital object shows I can embed a slide.

Hi I will be telling you about Canada,this is where i was born and i will tell you lots of facts.  

The population of Canada is 37.59 million. Wow That’s a lot. That’s about 7 times the population of New Zealand. Canada is the 2nd largest country in the world. It once took my mum over a week to drive from the west coast to the very east coast!

There  are 1,137 cities in canada. That’s amazing.

There are many different sports in canada. My favourite sport is ice hockey. Other sport’s There  are lacrosse, american football, basketball, baseball, we even play soccer but we play all year round and in the winter we play indoor soccer.

One of the cultural foods we have is eggnog. You would drink it at christmas time. you might have heard of it before. The truth is I haven't even  tried it Before but that’s one of my family’s favourites.

Here is a story that might interest you.

My grandpa was a bull rider which I think is really cool.  He joined a competition called the Calgary stampede which is a famous rodeo, In Calgary alberta where i was born. And I bet  he was good at it too!

I am wearing a hockey jersey and on it is the canadian maple leaf which is on our flag too.

Enjoy my canadian maple syrup cookies, yes, we call bickies cookies. Thank you for listening.

Monday 12 April 2021

Marae Noho.

Yesterday we went to a marae it was really fun. We played tug war and lot's of different games outside. That was really the only thing we did the whole trip. We ate delicious food, but the sad part is I Had to eat gluten free. I enjoyed it. And I bet everyone else like it to.


Wednesday 7 April 2021

Making hut's

2 weeks ago we write about making huts. It was really really fun. Because we could make a big mess in the classroom and we could make it in any place in the classroom. 
I enjoyed writing the argument because you could make it sound  really funny
I found it challenging to keep people out of our hut. 


March Reflection.

 Over the past few days, we were reflecting on our march achievements and what we have been doing. I enjoyed this because I get to tell anyone that looks at this post gets to know what we have been doing in March. I found it challenging to rate the story we have been reading because there are so many good books out there. My digital object shows that I can reflect on what I have been doing each month.

Thursday 1 April 2021

The Story Of Easter

 This week for reading and writing we were learning how to summarise and make links in our paragraph. 
I enjoyed putting all my videos together on video and learning about Holy Week. I found it challenging to manoeuver my puppets. My digital object shows that I can make a Wevideo and publish it. Next time I would change the cuttings of my characters.