Friday 29 October 2021

Rat Island pick a path quizzz!

Today I was learning how to make a pick path quiz.
I enjoyed making a quiz.
What I found challenging was to was to think of questions.
Next time I would change the color of my background.

October Reflection!

Today I was learning how to reflect on my learning.
I enjoyed writing the narratives.
What I found challenging was to get a good selfie.
Next time I would change the pictures.

Thursday 21 October 2021

The Pelican with a colorful horn.

This week I was learning how to structure and how to write narratives. A narrative is a fiction story.
I enjoed getting to make up our own storys.
What I dound challeging was to come up with a story.
Does my title sound good?
Next time I would try to do more correct spelling.

It was a time when pelicans had horns. The horns were always colored dark and boring gray but there was only one pelican that was different.
That pelican's name was James. Now the difference was he had a rainbow horn that every human wanted.

But one day on a cold and crystal clear day James the pelican found out that someone was hunting him down. James immediately knew the hunter wanted his horn, and if he didn’t have his horn he would no longer be here. So immediately James started running for the hills.

While James was in the hills following the muddy trail it started to pour down with rain. Giant boulders fell almost every second. But then he saw him, the hunter with his coffee! The hunter was staring at James with his smouldering face. The hunter took 1 step… 2 steps… 3 steps… and then he had him. James was stuck in a tight net. But James was not the only one sad; the hunter was sad too, because he dropped his coffee!

So off went the hunter to get some more coffee (that was a bit stupid) So as soon as possible James swipped his strong and mighty horn and cut through the net and made his way behind a tree. When the hunter appeared James dashed out from behind the tree and stabbed the hunter in the thy! He dropped his coffee and that was the end of the hunter.

Wednesday 20 October 2021

Frida kahlo.

Over the past few weeks we have been doing frida kahlo art. Frida khalo is a mexican artist. She had to live in an iron lung for quite a long time but then she got to get out, and later she almost got killed in a bus crash that left her limping for the rest of here life and that is when she started doing art.
We used tissue paper for the flower and watched a video clip on how to make one.
I enjoyed painting the eyes.
What I found challenging was to paint the background.
Next time I would change the background color.

Rat Island Answer.

Today I was learning how to  ask and answer questions.
I enjoyed creating my google form.
What I found challenging was to figure out of to link my google form.
Next time I would change the topic.

Tuesday 19 October 2021

Canva design.

Today for cybersmart we were learning how to use canva. Most of us already have used canva but today we were designing videos on three things we are proud of.
I enjoyed using canva and making my video.
What I found challenging was to find a picture that goes with my scentence.
Next time I would change the background.

Rat Island Problem

Today I was learning how to infer.
I enjoyed reading chapter one.
I found it challenging to show the problem with pictures.
Next time I would change my font.

Monday 18 October 2021

Rat island Hypothisis

Today I was learning how to hypothesise.
For reading we got given books to read, everyday we would read a chapter and then do a task, because it was the first day of reading the book we did not read a chapter we had to make a prodection of what we think is going to happen. 
I enjoyed reading the blurb at the bavck of the book.
What I found challenging was to think of a prediction.
Next time I would change the the font.