Tuesday 7 December 2021

Nasa art!

Today our class was learning about the summer learning journey.
We had to register and complete the task.
I enjoyed colouring in the smoke.
What I found challenging was to match the colours.
Next time I would Change th colours.

Wednesday 17 November 2021

Reduce Re-use Recycle!

Today the seniors went to Ilminsters production.
The message from the play was to Reduce Re-use Recycle the three "R's"
So our Teacher told us to make a poster saying the three "R's"
I enjoyed watching the play because it was really funny.
What I found challenging was to find the right image to go with the poster.
Next time I would change the background color


Thursday 11 November 2021

All about me.

Today we were learning about each other because we have a different teacher in the class for the rest of the year. 
I enjoyed getting to learn about different people.
What I found challenging was to find a color for the background and to make a avatar that looks like me. Does is look like me?
Next time i would change the font.

Tuesday 2 November 2021

My gif.

Today I was learning how to create a gif. 
A gif is an image that moves and you do not have to use your keyboard to play it again because it is in a loop. What is canva? Canva is a sight were you can make incredible things like gifs, videos, and you can even make a poster!
I enjoyed learning how to make a gif.
What I found challenging was to find cool looing images. 
Do my images look good?
Next time I would put color on my background.

Parihaka Te Raukura - Albatross feather.

Today I was learning about theTe Raukura Parihaka and the albatross feather.
The raukura1
is a symbol of peace and pride to the people of Parihaka.
I enjoyed picking the color for my words.
What I found challenging was to think of words that link with peace.
Next time I would change the color of the feather.


Today I was learning about Parihaka. 
If you want to learn about Parihaka watch my interview.
I enjoyed making a enterview beacuse I have never done one before.
What I found challenging was to figure out what I was going to say.
Next time I would do a different video.

Monday 1 November 2021

All saints day poster!

Today I was learning all about all saints day. All saints day is something when you honour all the saints in heaven. 
Today we had assembly to celebrate.
I enjoyed making a poster beacuase we have not done one in a while.
What I found challenging was to pick a font.
Next time I would put some images of the saints.

Friday 29 October 2021

Rat Island pick a path quizzz!

Today I was learning how to make a pick path quiz.
I enjoyed making a quiz.
What I found challenging was to was to think of questions.
Next time I would change the color of my background.

October Reflection!

Today I was learning how to reflect on my learning.
I enjoyed writing the narratives.
What I found challenging was to get a good selfie.
Next time I would change the pictures.

Thursday 21 October 2021

The Pelican with a colorful horn.

This week I was learning how to structure and how to write narratives. A narrative is a fiction story.
I enjoed getting to make up our own storys.
What I dound challeging was to come up with a story.
Does my title sound good?
Next time I would try to do more correct spelling.

It was a time when pelicans had horns. The horns were always colored dark and boring gray but there was only one pelican that was different.
That pelican's name was James. Now the difference was he had a rainbow horn that every human wanted.

But one day on a cold and crystal clear day James the pelican found out that someone was hunting him down. James immediately knew the hunter wanted his horn, and if he didn’t have his horn he would no longer be here. So immediately James started running for the hills.

While James was in the hills following the muddy trail it started to pour down with rain. Giant boulders fell almost every second. But then he saw him, the hunter with his coffee! The hunter was staring at James with his smouldering face. The hunter took 1 step… 2 steps… 3 steps… and then he had him. James was stuck in a tight net. But James was not the only one sad; the hunter was sad too, because he dropped his coffee!

So off went the hunter to get some more coffee (that was a bit stupid) So as soon as possible James swipped his strong and mighty horn and cut through the net and made his way behind a tree. When the hunter appeared James dashed out from behind the tree and stabbed the hunter in the thy! He dropped his coffee and that was the end of the hunter.

Wednesday 20 October 2021

Frida kahlo.

Over the past few weeks we have been doing frida kahlo art. Frida khalo is a mexican artist. She had to live in an iron lung for quite a long time but then she got to get out, and later she almost got killed in a bus crash that left her limping for the rest of here life and that is when she started doing art.
We used tissue paper for the flower and watched a video clip on how to make one.
I enjoyed painting the eyes.
What I found challenging was to paint the background.
Next time I would change the background color.

Rat Island Answer.

Today I was learning how to  ask and answer questions.
I enjoyed creating my google form.
What I found challenging was to figure out of to link my google form.
Next time I would change the topic.

Tuesday 19 October 2021

Canva design.

Today for cybersmart we were learning how to use canva. Most of us already have used canva but today we were designing videos on three things we are proud of.
I enjoyed using canva and making my video.
What I found challenging was to find a picture that goes with my scentence.
Next time I would change the background.

Rat Island Problem

Today I was learning how to infer.
I enjoyed reading chapter one.
I found it challenging to show the problem with pictures.
Next time I would change my font.

Monday 18 October 2021

Rat island Hypothisis

Today I was learning how to hypothesise.
For reading we got given books to read, everyday we would read a chapter and then do a task, because it was the first day of reading the book we did not read a chapter we had to make a prodection of what we think is going to happen. 
I enjoyed reading the blurb at the bavck of the book.
What I found challenging was to think of a prediction.
Next time I would change the the font.

Thursday 30 September 2021

September Reflection.

Today I was learning how to reflect on my learning.
I enjoyed reading megamonster and doing the zombie apocalypse.
What I found challening was to stand up in front of the whole school and say my speech.
My digital object shows that I can embed my slide.

Friday 17 September 2021

My speech.

This week I have been learning how to write a speech and use emotive language. 
I wrote about coral reefs. What would you write about?
I enjoyed writing about coral reefs.
What I found challenging was to pick my topic because there was so many things to pick.
My digital object shows that I can use emotive language and writre a speech.

Me saying my speech

Thursday 16 September 2021

Social Justice week - Beatitudes.

Today I was learning how to identify the characters and/or author’s point of view. We had to do three tasks. Two of them are on social Justice week and the other one is on the beatitudes, I did the beatitude task with my friends and the rest with my reading group. 
I enjoyed getting to work with my mates. 
What I found challenging was to find images that matched the beatitude.
My digital object shows that I can embed my slide and google docs.
Next time I would change the background on the Beatitude slide.

Tuesday 14 September 2021

Creative mind competion.

A while back I enterd the creative mind competion. There was four of us that enterd in my class and we were the only primary kids that enterd the competion! My mate actually won a prize. So this is the badge that I got for particapation. 
I enjoyed finding out that we get a badge as well! 
My digital object shows that I can make a gamefroot.

Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori

Today I was learning about Māori language week.
We had to link the quiz that we did so you could try, it how did you go? We also made two sets of slides which are down below. One of them was a scavenger hunt  and the other was for cybersmart.
I enjoyed doing the motes and getting to help others with there Māori and doing the scavenger hunt.
What I found challenging was to try and pernounce the worlds logest place name.
Do I pernounce it well?
My digital object shows that I can embed my slides.
Next time I would try to pernounce the worlds longest place name better.

Here is the link to the quiz.

Mr. Wolf is not guilty

Today I was learning how to strucutre.
I enjoyed writing about Mr Wolf because I loved that story when I was little.
Do you think Mr wolf is not guilty?
What I found challenging was to explain my ideas.
My digital object shows that I can strucure and copy my writing onto my blog.

Success Criteria
I will write my introduction (What I think, and a preview of what my writing will be about)
I will use my plan to explain each of my arguments and reasons why I think that (research)
I will end with a conclusion where I reiterate what I think. 

I firmly believe that Mr Wolf is not guilty of 1st degree murder. He did not do anything at all, I found he was just trying to help. Have you heard Mr Wolf's side of the story? Just so you know Red Riding Hood is a little brat. In this speech I will give you reasons to prove that Mr Wolf is not guilty.

First of all Mr Wolf did not murder Red Riding Hood so there is no point putting him in prison, he is dead anyway. He did not kill the grandma either, he just locked her in the closet and the wood chopper chopped her out, so no one is dead! (besides Mr Wolf) 

Secondly it is a wolf’s instinct to kill. If he does not kill he will be hungry like us. That is just like us getting meat from the store, it is the same thing! Wolf’s are meant to be feisty and if they do not kill what are their big sharp teeth for? He also did not even get to eat, he just got killed, and no one said to kill Mr Wolf.

Thirdly you cannot put a wolf in prison. He is an animal, yeah he could go to the pound but if he was attempting to kill Red Riding Hood how would you catch him, he would probably bite you (as self defence.) I would put the wood chopper in prison if I could myself because he killed Mr Wolf.

Finally there is absolutely no reason to even think about arresting Mr Wolf! He is innocent, in fact he is probably helping other people up in heaven (even though he is a wolf.)

Mr Wolf is not guilty!

Friday 10 September 2021

Is Mr wolf guilty for 1st degree Murder?

Today I was learning how to plan a persuasive text. We had to brainstorm both reasons is mr wolf guilty? or is not guilty? What would you do? I agree that mr wolf is not guilty you will see why I think this on my brainstorm. 
I enjoyed reading the stories about the big bad wolf. 
What I found challenging was to explain my ideas.
My digital object shows that I can download my photo.

Thursday 9 September 2021

Wednesday 8 September 2021

Tuesday 7 September 2021

Monday 6 September 2021

My persuasive writing.

My Reflection
WALHT structure our writing 

Success Criteria Self Assessment 
I will write my introduction (What I think, and a preview of what my writing will be about)
I will use my plan to explain each of my arguments and reasons why I think that (research)
I will end with a conclusion where I reiterate what I think. 

I think that dogs are better than cats in many different ways. In this persuasive text I will tell you three reasons why dogs are better than cats. 

Firstly dogs are easier to snuggle with than cats, I think this because cats normally are feisty and are always trying to scratch you. That's not the only reason. Dogs are not fussy like cats. Dogs will just eat whatever is on the menu. But with a cat it will love the food for a couple days and than they will end up findisgustingisguting.

Secondly dogs just get busy outside playing, but with a cat you have to entertain them a lot especially a kitten. Sometimes it will get to much you have to kick them outside.

Lastly dogs are always protecting you, even the smallest of them all, and when they know they have done something wrong they will normally show a sign of guilt. You can see it in their eyes.

For all of these reasons above I believe that dogs are way better than cats.

Cats Vs Dogs.

My reflection

Egg Bounce.

For the past few days I have been learning about how a egg bounces. 
I could not fully drop it because we did not want it to break so I just bounced it a little bit so we would not risk a big mess. But it still bounces!
I enjoyed pouring the vinegar in the cup.
What I found challenging was to wait so long before it was ready to bounce.
My digital object shows that I can download a video and bounce an egg.

Sunday 5 September 2021

Fathers day card.

Today I was learning how to publish a blog post in the future.
I enjoyed writing and drawing onto the card.
What I found challenging was to do a drawing of a swimming pool.
My digital object shows that I can post in the future.

Thursday 2 September 2021

Bouncing egg.

Today I was learning about how a egg can bounce. I have found lots of interesting facts.
I could not get everything on my blog today because it takes 42 hours before it is ready to bounce so I will do another post of me bouncing it.
I enjoyed getting to do science again because I have not done much on it for a while now.
What I found challenging was to pour the vinegar in because the bottle was like bigger then my head!
My digital object shows that I can embed my slide and pour vinegar into a cup.

Multiplication table

Today I was learning how to use a multiplication table.
I enjoyed coloring in all the space and getting to know my times tables better.
Have you ever used a  multiplication table?
What I found challenging was to keep track on wich time table I was doing.
My digital objects shows that I can create a multiplication table.

Pen Pal.

Today I was learning how to apply knowledge.
I enjoyed getting to write a letter to my friend because I have not talked to him in a while.
What I found challenging was to pick a background that goes with it. Does my background look good?
My digital object shows that I can write a letter and embed my slide.

Wednesday 1 September 2021

Spelling activities.

Today I was learning how to spell unknown words.
I enjoyed getting to do work on spelling because we have not been focusing on spelling for a while.
My favourite slide I did was probably the one were we worked on word art.
What I found challenging was to come up with a silly sentence. Is my one sound silly.
My digital object shows that I can embed my slides.

Tuesday 31 August 2021

August reflection.

Today I was learning how to reflect on my learning.
I enjoyed getting to tell you about the book I have been reading at home.
What I found challenging was to reflect on my reflection.
My digital object shows that I can embed my google drawing and reflect on my learning.

Facts about the Paralympics.

Today I was learning about the paralympics. We had to write five facts about the paralympics. Are my facts interesting?
I enjoyed getting to learn about the paralympics because I love sports.
What I found challenging was to find interesting facts.
My digital object shows that I can embed my slide.

Monday 30 August 2021

Facts about Saint Ignatius.

 Today I was learning all about Saint Ignatius. We had to do five facts about the saint and we had the choice of making an animation. I made my one on wevideo. I enjoyed getting to use wevideo because i love editing. What I found challenging was to find a good background that looks good. My digital object shows that I can download my wevideo and create one.

My Scratch.

Today I was learning how to apply knowledge and how to code on Scratch. We coded games and my game is called Cicada jump. The way you jump on my game is by clicking space. I enjoyed getting to code again because I have not coded in ages.Was it hard?
What I found challenging was to understand the video I watch to help me.
My digital object shows that I can create a scratch and embed it.

Friday 27 August 2021

Finishing check in.

Here are some of the learning tasks we have been doing this week. We earn five points for each one you did, if you do all of them you get 65 points and I got 45 points. 
I enjoyed ticking all of the things I have done this week.
What I found challenging was to get as much task done so I could get a high score. Is my score high to you?

Thursday 26 August 2021


Today I was learning how to apply knowledge along with pollution.
I enjoyed getting to list ideas to stop pollution and writing down cool facts that I learnt. Are my facts interesting?
What I found challenging was to find facts that I understood.
My digital object shows that I can embed my slide.

My six sentence story.

Today I was learning how to structure my writing. We had to do some activities I chose the six sentence story. It is on a penguin called Jeff.
I enjoyed getting to write my own story because I love writing stories.
What I found challenging was to figure out a plan  that the penguin could do to scare the orca. 
My digital object shows that I can download my slide and make six sentence story.

Wednesday 25 August 2021

My nature art.

Today I was making nature art inspired by Andy goldsworthy.  Andy Goldsworthy is a person who creates awesome things with nature. I got my smiley face from the video I watched on him.
I enjoyed getting to get fresh air and explore all around the place.
What I found challenging was to find the right parts to make my smiley face.
My digital object shows that I can create a smiley face with nature.

What is composting.

Today I was learning how to do good structure. As well as that I was learning about composting and with the information I have found out I made a report on it. I enjoyed getting to write about composting because i find it really fascinating. What i found challenging was to put the information into my own words. My digital object shows that I can copy my doc and write a report on composting.

Do you want to learn about composting?
Composting is environmentally friendly and can save the world.

What is composting?
Composting is a method that you use to break down green and brown scraps into fertile dirt that you can use to plant nice yummy vegetables and plants. So all of your apple cores and vacuum bag that you find disgusting will help you to make your dream garden.

How is it made?
The way it is made is by decomposers. Decomposers are worms, fungi, insects and all sorts of small creatures. So all of the things that we find gross are insects favourite foods. All the insect help each other to break it down so at the end it is just healthy dirt.

The benefits of composting.
The benefits are saving you from spending money on dirt and soil to plant, when you can just let the insects do it for you. It is also good because it is saving the environment.

Composting is one of the best things you can do, to plant as many greens and keep you nice and healthy, and it is keeping  the decomposers nice and healthy as well. 

Tuesday 24 August 2021

My word art #2

Today I was learning I was learning how to use word cloud. We had to put words in the word art that link with faith and trust. I made a different word art from the one I made recently.
I enjoyed getting to pick my font and the colors of my words.
What I found challenging was to figure out how to change my background to transparent which is just white.My digital object shows that I can download my creation.

My lego Kererū (pigeon)

Today I was learning how to apply knowledge as well as how maui found is father and the magic jawbone. I enjoyed getting to use lego to build a kererū (pigeon) because I love building.
What I found challenging was to find the correct pieces because all my lego is in a big box filled with different  shapes and sizes. So it is hard to find the pieces you want.
My digital object shows that I can build a Kererū (pigeon) with lego and upload my image.

Monday 23 August 2021

Outside time.

Today my class had to go outside and have some fun!!! We had a list of things to do outside and we had to pick one. And I picked passing and kicking the ball. I enjoyed getting to get outside and have fun with my dad. I could only get a picture because it was to hard to capture it on video because we were moving around a lot. I hope you like it!!!

My dog diagram.

Today I was learning how to apply knowledge and about dogs and cats. We had three tasks to do and the one I chose is a diagram of a dog. A diagram is a picture of a animal and labeling all the body parts. I enjoyed getting to do my work on dogs. What I found challenging was to find a image of the dog. My digital object shows that I can make a diagram and embed my slide.

Thursday 19 August 2021

J.K. Rowling.

This week I was learning how to link paragraphs. I also have been learning about J.K. Rowling, I found it really interesting. I enjoyed getting to write a report on authors because I love reading and I know lot's of authors. What I found challenging was to find lots of facts about J.K. Rowling that I understood.  My digital object shows that I can write reports and copy my doc.

Full Name: Joanne Rowling.

Date of Birth: 31 July 1965.

Place of Birth: Yate, United Kingdom.

Famous for: J.K. Rowling is famous for being an author and creating the Harry Potter series. All of the books were made into movies, and have gone world wide.

J.K. Rowling has a younger sister called Dianne. Dianne was born two years later on July 18 1967. The family all lived in Winterbourne.  When she was nine they moved to Tutshill near Chepstow. J.K. Rowling was six when she wrote her first story; it was about a rabbit called Rabbit. When she was eleven she wrote a novel about seven cursed diamonds and the people who owned them. 

As well as with that when she was older J.K. Rowling wrote her first Harry Potter book and got rejected 12 times!!! J.K. Rowling has been married to Dr Neil Murry since 2001. They live in Edinburgh with a son and daughter called David and Mackenzie. David was born in 2003 24 March along with Mackenzie being born on 23 January.

Interesting Facts: 

She is richer than the Queen of England.

She was not a remarkable student. 

She suffered depression and that's where she got Dementors from.

Wednesday 18 August 2021

My word art.

Today I was learning about the assumption of Mary mother of Jesus. We had to make word art and put some of the words that link with the story. I enjoyed getting to make my word art funky and cool. What I found challenging was to pick my shape I wanted to use. My digital object shows that I can download my word art. Next time I will change the color of my words.

My robot.

This week I was learning how to infer. Inferring means to answer a question that does not necessarily have the answer in but it has a clue. Along with that we have been learning about robots. I enjoyed getting to create and design my own robot that will help endangered species because I really want it to stop and so they can have a happy life. What I found challenging was to come up with what the robot should do to stop this situation. My digital object shows that I can embed my slide and  create my own robot.

Thursday 12 August 2021

Michaela Blyde.

Today I was learning how to link paragraphs. I did my report on on Michaela Blyde. 
I enjoyed getting to write about an Olympian and because I get to write about rugby.
What I found challenging was to link my paragraphs.
Next time I will do better punctuation.

Name: Michaela Blyde. 

Date of birth: 29 Dec 1995.

Birth place: New Plymouth.

Sport: Rugby sevens.

Michaela Blyde's mother is called Cherry. Her mother played rugby union for New Zealand (15 aside. Michaela Blyde has a brother called lim Blyde who played sevens for the taranki Bulls. The school that she went two was New Plymouth Girls’ High School and started playing rugby at 16 for Girls’ High School. One year later she represented New Zealand in the 2013 Oceania Women’s Sevens Championship.

After representing New Zealand at the Oceania Sevens Championship Michaela Blyde went to the Commonwealth Games and won the gold medal with team New Zealand. By the time she turned 25 she had played a 128 games and scored 680 points. In 2021 Michaela Blyde went to the tokyo Olympic games with her team and won the gold medal, after getting the silver medal in the 2016 Rio Olympic games. 

Her heroes are Ben smith and Lisa Carrington.

Wednesday 11 August 2021

The Ratā tree

This week I was learning how to summarize and about medicinal plants. I enjoyed learning about things that you can heal without going to the doctor and getting to be able to do it yourself. Did you know if you have a cut you can put a spider web on it. What I found challenging was to pick my plant I was going to do because there were so many options!!! My digital object shows that I can embed my slide and summarize.

Wednesday 4 August 2021

Japan Facts

This week I have been learning how to skim and scan. And also about Japan. All the information I have on my slide is from the books that I have been reading, and some of it off the internet. What I enjoyed was getting to learn about the country that is holding the tokyo 2020 Olympics. What I found challenging was to get the right information and making sure that it all made sense. My digital object shows that I can embed my slide and skim and scan.

Tuesday 3 August 2021

Kumara to the Waka - Gamefroot

For a while now my class have been learning how to use Gamefroot and coding. 
I enjoyed putting the music on my blog and getting to share my learning with others. 
What I found challenging was to get the music on my blog by myself so I got some help by Mrs Torrie. 
My digital object shows that I can code and that I can publish my Gamefroot and embed it on my blog.

My first game by Jakob A / Full screen / Remix in Gamefroot

Friday 30 July 2021

The Hippopotamus.

Today I was learning how to do reports. I did my one on hippopotami. 
I enjoyed doing something else like writing about a wild animal because I normally do one that lives in the sea or Antarctica.
What I found challenging was to find a wow fact!!!

The hippopotamus belongs to the hippopotamidae family.

Hippopotamus are large mammals.They have a large barrel shaped body, short legs a short tail, and an enormous head. 

Hippopotami eat lots.But really all they eat is short grasses and fruit (if it can find some)So that means they are herbivores.

A hippopotamus normally lives in sub-saharan Africa. They spend up to 16 hours a day in abundant water.

Did your know that hippopotamus cannot swim?

Thursday 29 July 2021

Facts about the Olympic games.

Today I was learning how to skim and scan which means to  read quickly and answer the question quickly. 
I enjoyed learning and searching about facts. And also finding that there is a fourth medal. 
What I found challenging was to find facts about the fourth medal.
My digital object shows that I can put facts in my own words and to embed my slide.

Wednesday 28 July 2021

My olympic mascot.

Today I was learning how to design our own mascots. I am going to tell you my mascots personalities. My mascot is called parakiwi because he is a paralympic mascot. He has a special power to make him really fast at moving is wheelchair. He is super athletic and he loves joking around. I enjoyed creating my own mascot and making up is personalities. Maybe you should try making your own mascot. I have created mine on chrome canvas you have to have a chromebook to go on this site. I hope you like it!!!

Thursday 8 July 2021

World's Largest rubix cube made In hong kong.

Today I was learning how to locate and summarise ideas within a range of texts. This is my third post and the third article I have read. 
I enjoyed reading an article about a rubix cube because I love them and I can solve one!!!
What I found challenging was to get the main person's name. 
My digital object shows I can embed my slide.

Pope Francis meets spiderman.

Today I was learning how to locate and summarise ideas within a range of texts. This one is my second article I read. 
I enjoyed finding out that Pope francis had meet spiderman because I never thought that would happen. Spiderman even gave him his mask! 
What I found challenging was to explain the key event that you will see in the slide presentation.
My digital object shows that I can embed my slide.

Bear gets stuck in factory ceiling.

This week I was learning how to locate and summarize within range of texts. So I will be putting three of these post on my blog it will be a different one every time. We were reading articles and now we have to tell you things about it.
I enjoyed reading the the article and finding out that this event happened not long ago.
What I found challenging was to find a word to look up in the dictionary. You will  see that part in the slide
My digital object shows that I can embed and copy my slide.

Monday 5 July 2021

Gamefroot progress.

This week for cybersmart we were coding on gamefroot,this game took ages for it because I am new to coding. I am pretty much done but I just need music in it and when I do that I will update it..  I enjoyed putting all the tiles in my levels. What I found challenging was to persevere and concentrate. A lot of the time hings did not work but I worked it out. My digital
object shows I can embed my game. Play my game here.

Thursday 1 July 2021


This week we were learning how to compare and contrast,including reading about puanga. Puanga is a brother of the  Matariki star cluster. It is actually quite funny because in Tairawhiti we can not see it.Why? because of the curvature of our world. You can only see puanga in taranaki,and most of the maori tribes there normally celebrate puanga. I enjoyed finding out that puanga is a brother of the Matariki star cluster. What I found challenging was finding the the right New Zealand image. My digital object shows that I can embed my slide.

Tuesday 29 June 2021

June Reflection.

Today I was learning how to reflect on my learning in June. I enjoyed coming up with some memorable moments my favourite is the trip to the museum. What I found challenging is explaining about matariki and the facts. My digital object shows I can screenshot my June reflection.

Thursday 24 June 2021

Financial literacy

This week we were learning about financial literacy,a man called Callum came in to our class from ASB get wise. Financial literacy is learning about money, Which I think is really cool. We had to think of a goal to save up for and mine is saving up for a nintendo,and I had to think of some ways I could earn money so I could get one. What I am going to do is washing my dad's car, making a business. I created my one with my friend and we thought of vacuuming people's carpet, and mowing people's lawns. I enjoyed creating my business because I am good at vacuuming and I love doing it. What I found challenging was to think of what I was going to do to make $300 dollars!!! I hope you enjoy.

Matariki in different countries.

This week for reading we were learning how to compare and contrast including Matariki There might be a couple slides not finished because they did not finish before thursday. I enjoyed discussing the differences and similarities with my group. What I found challenging was to explain about the orphan boys they call matariki that in the blackfoot tribe. My digital object shows that I can embed our slide.

Student lead conference invitation

 Here is my reflection for my writing this week.

Friday 18 June 2021

My art

This week we were learning about Tom Fedro a chicago artist. My walt was use painting techniques,and my success criteria is long brush strokes,use both sides of the brush,use bright colours,bold lines,tints and shades to show light direction. Have I used all of those things? The girl we were painting is called it girl. I enjoyed doing the bold the because we had to use thin brushes and I love using thin brushes. What I found challenging was drawing the actual it girl and blending. Next time I would change the colours. 

Tom Fedros

My art

Thursday 17 June 2021

Math mesurments.

This week for math we started doing measurements. We had to measure a lot of things like our foot,doors,our arm span,and our wrist. We had to use measuring tape for our wrist's because rulers don't bend.  I enjoyed measuring with the metre ruler and the measuring tape because they are way more fun to use then rulers. What I found challenging was to measure my arm span with the measuring tape because we only had to people and it is easier to use with three people. My digital object shows that I can use a ruler,a meter ruler,and measuring tape. 

How do Emperor penguins survive in the cold.

This week for writing were were doing more explanation writing,I did it on penguins. I was aiming to use complex sentences in each paragraph and to use a comma in each phrase. Have I done those things? I enjoyed writing about penguins because they are my favourite Animal. What  I found challenging was to put a complex sentence in my introduction and summary. My digital object shows that I can copy my  google doc.

An Emperor penguin is a flightless bird. They swim in the arctic ocean and swim in the water that is 28.8c. They survive by breeding,raising young and eating.

Where do Emperor penguins live?

Emperor penguins live in Antarctica and sleep on their bellies. Unless it was at the zoo, you would never find a penguin somewhere else other than Antarctica.

How do penguins survive in the cold?

Penguins have thick skin and lots of blubber, trap heat inside the body keeping the Emperor penguin warm.

What is huddle time?

Emperor penguins gather close together in  big groups called huddles. Most of their body is exposed to the cold. This cuts their heat loss in half. The largest huddle ever, had about 5,000 penguins. When in a huddle,their temperature is 37 c and the air outside of the huddle is below 30c.

How many layers do penguins have?

Emperor penguins have four layers of feathers that provide protection from the cold wind. Emperor penguins have a small beak,small flippers,small legs, and small feet which means not much heat escapes. Emperor penguins body’s look larger than their head,making it look out of proportion.

Penguins may huddle together for many different reasons. This is the way Emperor penguins survive in the arctic. 

Wednesday 16 June 2021

Theseus and the Minotaur.

This week for reading we were learning how to infer which means answering a question that does not have the answer but has a clue in it. And about Theseus and the Minotaur. We had to read the story and then complete the tasks down below. I enjoyed reading the book and about Theseus and working with my mates. There is some unfinished work on the bottom task because kids in my group weren't there. What  I found challenging was to animate the labyrinth which is a huge mase leading to somewhere. My digital object shows that I can discuss with my group and to embed my slide.

I agree with this statement because...

I disagree with this statement because...

Jakob A, I agree with this statement because he betrayed the princess and that does not make you a true hero.

I disagree with this statement because he betrayed the princess for a reason so people did not have to sacrifice their lives  anymore for the minotaur,and so people could have happy lives again.

Braden I agree  with his statement because he betrayed the princess and that does not make you  a true hero.

I disagree with this statement because people should not be getting sacrificed any more.

Willow I agree with this statement because he betrayed Princess Ariadne and betraying someone does not make you a true hero.


Michael I agree with the statement because he betrayed the princess and that does not make him a true hero.

I disagree with the statement because he betrayed the princess so that people would no longer have to sacrifice to the Minotaur.

Maddison I strongly agree with this statement because he betrayed the princess and that’s how we know he’s not a great and true trusting hero.  

I disagree with this statement because he betrayed the princess and killed her so that others wouldn’t need to sacrifice their lives against Minotaur.

Tessa, I strongly agree with this statement because he betrayed princess `Ariadne. And he is not a great hero because he betrayed princess `Ariadne.

And he is not the great hero 

I disagree with that statement because theseus killed Minotaur and then there were no sacrifices. I think and everyone  should get a second chance 

After our discussion, we thought that disagreeing with this statement would be a good choice because we agreed that people don’t have to sacrifice their lives for the minotaur and so people can have happy lives forever.  

Thursday 10 June 2021

How planets work.

This week we were doing explanation writing, I did mine on planets. I was aiming to use paragraphs,rhetorical question for my title, and have a definition in my introduction. Have I done it? Tell me in the comments. I enjoyed writing about planets because I like telling other people like you, about anything!!! What I found challenging was to come up with a good conclusion I hope it sounds good. Next time I will try to put more information about planets.

A planet is a circle shaped gas giant,but some aren't, they are made of rock!

How does a planet work?

A planet functions by orbiting the sun. The way a planet orbits is by the sun pulling the planet by its gravity and causing it to curve.

How are planets formed?

Planets are formed from particles of gas and dust. Colliding and sticking together two form the planet. This happens by the particles moving really fast and acting like a magnet.

Why do  we need planets? 

These objects are important because they are the best places to contain life.

This is the way planets work,they are chemical reactions and they create the world.