Friday 30 July 2021

The Hippopotamus.

Today I was learning how to do reports. I did my one on hippopotami. 
I enjoyed doing something else like writing about a wild animal because I normally do one that lives in the sea or Antarctica.
What I found challenging was to find a wow fact!!!

The hippopotamus belongs to the hippopotamidae family.

Hippopotamus are large mammals.They have a large barrel shaped body, short legs a short tail, and an enormous head. 

Hippopotami eat lots.But really all they eat is short grasses and fruit (if it can find some)So that means they are herbivores.

A hippopotamus normally lives in sub-saharan Africa. They spend up to 16 hours a day in abundant water.

Did your know that hippopotamus cannot swim?

Thursday 29 July 2021

Facts about the Olympic games.

Today I was learning how to skim and scan which means to  read quickly and answer the question quickly. 
I enjoyed learning and searching about facts. And also finding that there is a fourth medal. 
What I found challenging was to find facts about the fourth medal.
My digital object shows that I can put facts in my own words and to embed my slide.

Wednesday 28 July 2021

My olympic mascot.

Today I was learning how to design our own mascots. I am going to tell you my mascots personalities. My mascot is called parakiwi because he is a paralympic mascot. He has a special power to make him really fast at moving is wheelchair. He is super athletic and he loves joking around. I enjoyed creating my own mascot and making up is personalities. Maybe you should try making your own mascot. I have created mine on chrome canvas you have to have a chromebook to go on this site. I hope you like it!!!

Thursday 8 July 2021

World's Largest rubix cube made In hong kong.

Today I was learning how to locate and summarise ideas within a range of texts. This is my third post and the third article I have read. 
I enjoyed reading an article about a rubix cube because I love them and I can solve one!!!
What I found challenging was to get the main person's name. 
My digital object shows I can embed my slide.

Pope Francis meets spiderman.

Today I was learning how to locate and summarise ideas within a range of texts. This one is my second article I read. 
I enjoyed finding out that Pope francis had meet spiderman because I never thought that would happen. Spiderman even gave him his mask! 
What I found challenging was to explain the key event that you will see in the slide presentation.
My digital object shows that I can embed my slide.

Bear gets stuck in factory ceiling.

This week I was learning how to locate and summarize within range of texts. So I will be putting three of these post on my blog it will be a different one every time. We were reading articles and now we have to tell you things about it.
I enjoyed reading the the article and finding out that this event happened not long ago.
What I found challenging was to find a word to look up in the dictionary. You will  see that part in the slide
My digital object shows that I can embed and copy my slide.

Monday 5 July 2021

Gamefroot progress.

This week for cybersmart we were coding on gamefroot,this game took ages for it because I am new to coding. I am pretty much done but I just need music in it and when I do that I will update it..  I enjoyed putting all the tiles in my levels. What I found challenging was to persevere and concentrate. A lot of the time hings did not work but I worked it out. My digital
object shows I can embed my game. Play my game here.

Thursday 1 July 2021


This week we were learning how to compare and contrast,including reading about puanga. Puanga is a brother of the  Matariki star cluster. It is actually quite funny because in Tairawhiti we can not see it.Why? because of the curvature of our world. You can only see puanga in taranaki,and most of the maori tribes there normally celebrate puanga. I enjoyed finding out that puanga is a brother of the Matariki star cluster. What I found challenging was finding the the right New Zealand image. My digital object shows that I can embed my slide.